| 1. | The element of fraud, indeed, permeated american life . 说真的,当时渗透在美国生活中的尽是些假货。 |
| 2. | It remained a state and a power in american life to be reckoned with . 它仍然是美国生活中不可小看的一个州和一股势力。 |
| 3. | The different denominations are integrated in the pattern of american life . 各种不同的教派都融合在美国的生活方式里。 |
| 4. | Thanksgiving day, the fourth tursday in november, is a feature in american life . 11月的第四个星期四,适逢感恩节,这是美国人生活中的一件大事。 |
| 5. | The document's glowing words were violated across the board in the reality of american life . 该文献中动听的句子在美国人的实际生活中是被普遍玷污了的。 |
| 6. | He thought this would take a heavy toll of american lives and prolong the war indefinitely . 他认为这样会使美国人的生命受巨大损失,把战争遥遥无期地拖下去。 |
| 7. | The social justice movement was the first largescale attempt to palliate the grosser aspects of american life . 社会正义运动是第一次大规模的减少美国生活阴暗面的尝试。 |
| 8. | These publicists who probed all the dark corners of american life did not make the progressive movement . 这些探查美国生活所有阴暗角落的时事评论家,并不是进步运动的创始者。 |
| 9. | On the very first day of the war, the u-30 torpedoed the steamer athenia, costing 28 american lives . 在战争爆发的当天,30号潜艇击沉了《雅典尼亚》号轮船,二十八个美国人丧生。 |
| 10. | Not even the strongest critics in the mainstream of american life recommended immediate withdrawal in 1969 . 一九六九年,在美国生活的主流中即使是那些最激烈的批评也并不主张立即撤退。 |